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Informative Interview

Employment Mediation

Employment Mediation: Services

Employment Mediation

Employment mediation can be used to try to resolve a dispute where a contractual relationship between an employer and employee has ended, which may involve a claim being made that could result in litigation.  If this happens employers, or individuals may consider mediation as a positive step towards finding a way forward to resolve their dispute and avoid the time, cost and emotional upheaval of having a decision imposed by a judge in court.

A mediator acts as a completely impartial person, to help both parties get clarity of their situation and facilitate a conversation to help both parties reach a mutually acceptable solution to their dispute, which will be documented in a settlement agreement. 

Mediation is a voluntary process and is completely confidential.  It is flexible because it allows parties to explore a variety of solutions to help them reach an agreement, which they created.

Our mediators display the highest levels of integrity and are compliant with professional codes of practice.  They understand that for some people, mediation is an unknown.  Our open, friendly approach aims to place people at ease during the process.  

Benefits of Employment Mediation

By improving communication between people in conflict, our mediators will facilitate discussions to assist with the creation of solutions both parties agree to which will help them move forward.  It allows them both to have control over what is agreed.

There are many benefits to mediation, for example, it can:

  • be used at any stage in the employment relationship

  • avoid more formal processes such as investigations and employment tribunals

  • prevent grievances being raised

  • retain valuable employees

  • reduce stress and tension

  • demonstrate a commitment by the employer and individuals to resolve the matter and move forward positively

Employment Mediation Process

If you are considering mediation, it is most likely that the parties in conflict have been unable to resolve their differences informally.  

Depending on the nature of the conflict, a mediator will work with the parties for up to half a day or a day.   You can decide where the mediation should be held; or may seek recommendations from the mediator, but either way a neutral venue is recommended with three suitable meeting rooms.

Everyone present at the mediation will be asked to agree to a mediation agreement, which deals with matters such as confidentiality.

Prior to the mediation day, the mediator will require a written statement of the dispute from each participant.

On the day of the mediation participants may bring their lawyer with them if they have legal representation.  The mediator will introduce themselves to individual participants and following this the remainder of the mediation will consist of a number of 'closed session' meetings with one participant and where it is beneficial and with the permission of both parties may meet in 'open session' with all participants.

The mediator will keep all information discussed with each of the participants confidential and will only share information if consent is given for them to do so.

Once an agreement is reached it will be drafted in a settlement agreement.  If lawyers are present they will draft this, otherwise it is the responsibility of the participants themselves to record their agreement.  

In the event an agreement isn't reached nothing said in the mediation can be used in any future procedures and the details of the mediation must be kept confidential.

All our mediators offer access to a complaints procedure if needed.


Pricing includes, pre-mediation preparation and reading, reasonable travel costs within the UK mainland and disbursements. 

Pricing excludes room hire.

One day mediation - 10.00am - 5.00pm  - £1,250 

Half day mediation 10.00am - 1.30pm - £750

In the event it is agreed extra time is required to complete the mediation, an hourly rate of £200 will apply.

Costs may be shared by the participants.

Full payment is required 7 days prior to the mediation taking place.

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